· Ignite a holy passion for Jesus in our hearts
· Overflowing love in our Hillside family
· Pursue the spiritual disciplines of worship, praise, prayer and study of the Bible
· Revealing of God’s vision in and through my life
· Being intentional about living and sharing my faith in Jesus
· Living for God’s glory on a daily basis
· That He would give us compassion for non-believers
· For Mission 007 in 2007 – that God’s mission be made possible in my area of influence, the community of El Sereno, and missions abroad.
· For new leaders to arise within our Hillside Ministry
· For our leadership – that God would grant them wisdom and spiritual power
· For our worship ministry – for God’s anointing for worship that is humble, and in spirit and in truth
· For the Young Adult and College Small Group ministries – that we would build genuine communities of love and fellowship
· For Men’s and Women’s ministries – that God would teach us how to be men and women of God, according to our design and purpose
· For our new Couples’ ministry – that we would learn to be godly husbands, wives and parents
· For our Winter Retreat, “Spiritual Warfare” happening Jan 12-14 – that God would speak through our guest speaker, Eddie Song, that He would use this weekend to open our eyes to the reality of spiritual warfare, and that He would equip us to fight.
· For reconciliation and healing of relationships – that God would heal us of our past, of our hurts and wounds, and that He would teach us to forgive.
· Please pray for three people that God places on your heart.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
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Let's Read Isaiah 58:6-9
So I just got a email from my girl friend that she has been fucking around with my best friend!!! So like any upset boy friend I have decided to upload every hot photo I have of her to the net. I have uploaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a msg from my girl friend that she has been having sex with another guy!!! So like any angry boy friend I have decided to broadcast every naughty video I have of her to the world wide web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a phone call from my girl friend that she has been sleeping with my friend!!! So like any pissed boy friend I have choosen to share every hot flick I have of her to the world wide web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a voice mail from my girl friend that she has been fucking around with my friend!!! So like any sad boy friend I have selected to upload every naughty clip I have of her to the net. I have posted the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
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So I just got a email from my girl friend that she has been sleeping with my best friend!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have selected to upload every sexy flick I have of her to the web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a call from my girl friend that she has been sleeping with my friend!!! So like any upset boy friend I have selected to upload every sexy video I have of her to the net. I have posted the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a msg from my girl friend that she has been cheating on me with another guy!!! So like any good boy friend I have selected to post every naked flick I have of her to the world wide web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a voice mail from my girl friend that she has been sleeping around with my uncle!!! So like any upset boy friend I have selected to broadcast every naked picture I have of her to the world wide web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a msg from my girl friend that she has been fucking around with my dad!!! So like any upset boy friend I have choosen to broadcast every sexy clip I have of her to the web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a email from my girl friend that she has been fucking around with my dad!!! So like any angry boy friend I have choosen to share every sexy photo I have of her to the net. I have uploaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
So I just got a voice mail from my girl friend that she has been having sex with another guy!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have decided to share every nude photo I have of her to the web. I have uploaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!
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