Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 16

I was forwarded this from Charles which I found very interesting:

God desires that we know Him. God is constantly speaking to those in which the Holy Spirit dwells but how do we know if we're hearing God's voice, the devil's voice or our own voice? This table lists the characteristics of those three so we know who's speaking.

The Holy Spirit (Governor) is our guide. He will help us to discern the voice of the Lord. Pray and ask for His help, His gifts, and His leading.Ask yourself some questions:
_Do you hear the Lord speak to you?
_Will you obey what the Lord says to you?
_Have you bound the voice of the enemy and repented of self interests?
_Have you prayed sincerely with a pure heart?
_Have you tested the spirit according to 1 John 4:1-3?
_Have you judged the word according to its content?
_Do you have confirmation


Anonymous said...

Thanks, for using the Chart.

Anonymous said...

That's a cool chart. Kudos Charles! I was very challenged by what Pastor Eddie said during retreat when he said something along the lines of the following: "so how does one know/discern what comes from God, what comes from self, and what comes from satan? You must build an intimate relationship with God." And the Holy Spirit convicted me with that. For example, if I close my eyes, and I hear all these voices of different women, but if I chance to hear my mother's voice, I know it's her. Why? Because I know her. I love her and know what she likes and dislikes, and thus, if I engage in the Word and stay in constant communion with the Father through prayer, then the Holy Spirit's lead will become more clear to me. Cooooool beans.

Pastor David, can I choose a day and fast for any topic of my choosing (topics from the list that you provided in the first entry)?

Pastor Dave said...

Jennifer: Any day is fine and pray with us...