Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 17

Barnabas is a Greek name interpreted by Luke in the book of Acts which means "son of consolation" or "son of encouragement." We know that he was born in Cyprus who was a Levite. He comes on the seen in the Book of Acts as someone who sold a tract of land and brought the money to the apostles - one of the early believers. He was respected and admired by the early believers in the church. His encouraging spirit comes out when he introduces Paul, who was recently converted, to the leaders in Jerusalem. Barnabas recognizes the genuineness of Paul's conversion. Some tradition believes Barnabas was part of the 70 disciples sent by Jesus to ministry.

Barnabas has character qualities Christians need to cultivate. In Acts 11:24, Barnabas is described as a "good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith." What a combination to have. He also gave people the benefit of the doubt. He stood by Paul before the leaders of the church in Jerusalem putting his reputation on the line. He gave John Mark another chance even after he disserting them. The nickname "son of encouragement" befits this man of integrity. We need more people in the Church who serves the living God with true sacrifice and devotion. We need more people in the Church who stands and vouches for his fellow believers especially those in need of a second chance. These are the people God will use to increase the Kingdom of God for his glory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need people like Barnabas in the church today. More then that we need the Gift of faith which only comes thourgh the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Barnabas had this Gift of faith in his life but he also, even had the other eight Spiritual gifts as well. My prayer for our church is we be filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)